Brian Pursuing Diploma in Film and Editing in Kenya Institute of Mass Communication

Brian developed a keen eye for photography while growing up in Mathare slums in the heart of Nairobi County. While born in Theri, Murang’a County, Brian’s parents moved to Nairobi seeking a better life for him and his three other siblings. His father a construction worker and his mother a housekeeper worked hard to provide a comfortable life for them through the tough hardships of city life especially while living in a slum. Brian developed a curious mind of journalism while watching movies and dreaming of a life as a producer that worked behind the scenes to create great content. In his spare time, Brian is a poet, a rapper and a dreamer with big hopes of making it in life and helping to pull his family out of poverty and out of the slums. Brian’s heroes are movie producers Sam Kolder and Stephen Spielberg.
Brian is currently pursuing a diploma in Film and Editing in Kenya Institute of Mass Communication

MaryBeth Foundation with Brian and Eunice the Internship Beneficiaries